news.admin.announce Announcements for news administrators. (Moderated) news.admin.censorship Censorship issues in news administration. news.admin.hierarchies Network news hierarchies. news.admin.misc General topics of network news administration. news.admin.moderation Technical and social issues of newsgroup moderation. (Moderated) Discussion of abuse of email systems. Network facility abuse, including spamming. Discussion of net abuse policy. (Moderated) Discussion of abuse of the Usenet system. news.admin.peering Article flow, server peering requests, & offers. news.admin.technical Technical aspects of maintaining network news. (Moderated) news.announce.conferences Calls for papers and conferences. (Moderated) news.announce.important General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated) news.announce.newgroups Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. (Moderated) news.announce.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated) news.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated) news.groups Discussions and lists of newsgroups. news.groups.proposals Development of Big 8 proposals. (Moderated) news.groups.questions Where can I find talk about topic X? news.lists.filters Notices for automated news filtering systems. news.lists.misc News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated) news.misc Discussions of USENET itself. news.newusers.questions Q & A for new users of Usenet. (Moderated) Discussion about Usenet B-news-compatible software. Usenet-related software other than readers and servers. Discussion about the "nn" Usenet news reader package. The Network News Transfer Protocol. Discussing software for reading network news (Usenet).