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asu.acad_prof.announce Announcements regarding Academic Professional. asu.admin.misc Admin questions at ASU. asu.books.exchange No description. asu.comp.academic.transition No description. asu.comp.distributed Distributed computing announcements. asu.comp.micro Micro computer announcements. asu.cs.ai AI discussion at ASU. asu.cs.talk Computer Sci talkers at ASU. asu.culture.homosexual Homosexuality at ASU. asu.culture.indian Discussion involving ASU Indian Students. (Moderated) asu.ecs.news The latest news in ECS. (Moderated) asu.ecs.talk Talk about the latest news in ECS. asu.forsale.dept Items for sale by departments. asu.forsale.misc Misc items for sale.. asu.gammage.announce Goings on at Gammage. asu.general.announce General announcements. asu.general.crime_stop Crime stop discussion. asu.general.events What's happening at ASU. asu.general.lectures Guest Lectures announcements. asu.general.public General announcements. asu.general.rideshare Ride sharing info - carpools. asu.general.trans_catalyst No description. asu.group.gundevils Gun Devils annoucement and such. asu.group.misc User Group meeting announcements. asu.group.paradox Discussion for paradox users at ASU. asu.group.uc What's going on at the University Club. asu.group.ucw UCW announcements. asu.group.uug Unix User Groups at ASU. asu.humanresources.announce Announcements by Human Resources. asu.investigates.info-highway No description. asu.library.announce General library announcements. asu.mu.announce Memorial Union announcements. asu.music.notes Discussion of music. asu.odysseyville.mayorsmessages Pilot test group. asu.odysseyville.problemunit1 Pilot test group. asu.odysseyville.problemunit2 Pilot test group. asu.odysseyville.problemunit3 Pilot test group. asu.odysseyville.problemunit4 Pilot test group. asu.odysseyville.problemunit5 Pilot test group. asu.odysseyville.soapbox Pilot test group. asu.org.acm ACM stuff at ASU. asu.org.toastmasters.announce Announcements for ToastMasters. asu.org.toastmasters.talk General discussion for ToastMasters. asu.permias.tempe Indonesian Student Assoc. asu.politics.speech Politically correct speech. asu.politics.talk Discussion of politics. asu.research.announce Research announcements. asu.research.modelling Research models. asu.sports.misc Sports discussion at ASU. asu.src.announce Student Rec Center announcements. asu.staff.announce Staff announcements. asu.staff.faculty Faculty announcements. asu.staff.training Training announcements. asu.student.graduate Discussions about graduate students. asu.student.international Discussions about international students. asu.student.residence Residence announcements. asu.sys.mac Talk about macintoshes?. asu.test Test posting local to ASU. asu.theater.announce Theater announcements. asu.wanted Request for things at ASU. asu.west.announce ASU West annoucements.
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