If you know a hierarchy which is not listed in these pages or if you have more up-to-date information about an existing hierarchy, please send a mail to usenet-config@isc.org or post to news.admin.hierarchies so that these pages can be updated.
A text-only version of that page can also be retrieved for a control.ctl access file, PGP keys and a checkgroups. Full files are also available.
INN's control.ctl entry:
newgroup:news@news.gatech.edu:git.*:doit newgroup:news@news.gatech.edu:git*class.*:mail rmgroup:news@news.gatech.edu:git.*:doit
git news@news.gatech.edu n yv git*class news@news.gatech.edu n nv git news@news.gatech.edu r yv
newgroup:news@news.gatech.edu:git.*:doit newgroup:news@news.gatech.edu:git*class.*:mail rmgroup:news@news.gatech.edu:git.*:doit
Actions since May 2003: none
Newsgroups: [check raw logs if your checkgroups differs from the one below]
git.ads No description. git.arch.durfee dufree git.cc.alums No description. git.cc.class.150x No description. git.cc.class.4803a A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology. git.cc.class.8011p No description. git.cc.class.8011r College of Computing - Robotics git.cc.class.8113g No description. git.cc.class.8113h No description. git.cc.class.8113p A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology. git.cc.class.8113r No description. git.cc.colloquia Discussions on past and future colloquia git.cc.community College of Computing - Community Mentor Program git.cc.cscw No description. git.cc.general No description. git.cc.help No description. git.cc.morale Mission ORiented Architectural Legacy Evolution git.cc.systems.mac College of Computing - Mac Systems git.cc.systems.ug College of Computing - Undergraduate Systems News git.ce.concrete.canoe Canoe git.ce.construction CE Construction git.ce.steel.bridge Bridge git.ce.sustainability CE Sustainability git.ce.systems CE Systems git.christianity A newsgroup for the discussion of christianity git.class.compe.1700a COMPE 1700 A git.class.compe.1770a COMPE 1770 A git.class.isye.3027b ISYE 3027B git.club.aao The Alliance of Asian Organizations git.club.aiasgt American Institute of Architecture Students GT Chapter git.club.amsa The American Medical Students Association git.club.anachronism Society for Creative Anachronism git.club.ans Georgia Tech American Nuclear Society git.club.asa Georgia Tech African Students Association git.club.asme American Society of Mechanical Engineers git.club.bgsa No description. git.club.bso A newsgroup to communicate with the Black Student Organization git.club.cambodia Georgia Tech Cambodia Club git.club.ccf GT Christian Campus Fellowship git.club.chi-alpha Chi Alpha git.club.crew This is for the Rowing Club, a Georgia Tech Student Organization git.club.csa CSA git.club.cycling This is for cycling enthusiast on gt campus git.club.entrepreneur Entrepreneur's Club git.club.fieldhockey this is for field hockey at georgia tech git.club.gspe Georgia Society of Professional git.club.guns No description. git.club.habitat Habitat for Humanity git.club.ifc Inter-Fraternity Council git.club.ihss International Humic Substance Society git.club.juggling Juggling Club git.club.lacrosse lacrosse club git.club.lcm Lutheran Campus Ministry git.club.musicians-net No description. git.club.odk Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society git.club.opa Omega Psi Alpha git.club.panh Panhellenic git.club.prisa Prisa git.club.prolife Students for Life git.club.rotaract Rotaract git.club.sailing The Georgia Tech Sailing Club Newsgroup git.club.satf.prevention Sexual Assult Prevention git.club.satf.response Sexual Assault Response git.club.sca Student Construction Association git.club.seds Students for the Exploration and Development of Space. git.club.sfl No description. git.club.snag Systems and Network Administrators' Group git.club.sos Student Organization Space Board git.club.spc Student Pagan Community git.club.sport.announce No description. git.club.sps Society of Physics Students (was git.physics.society.students) git.club.squash Squash Club, GT git.club.suth Student Union for the Homeless git.club.swarm Newsgroup for swarm club members git.club.swim Swimming Club git.club.sword No description. git.club.tef The Environmental Forum git.club.ultimate The Ultimate Frisbee Team/Club git.club.water-polo Water Polo git.club.water-ski No description. git.club.womens-union Georgia Tech Womens Student Union git.club.wrek.techtalk No description. git.club.wrekage WREK: Heavy Metal Music Show git.cont-ed No description. git.dining.menu GT Dining Services Menu git.edutech No description. git.edutech.ms Middle School project git.edutech.ms.problems Middle School project, materials committee git.edutech.ms.software Middle School project, software committee git.ee.class.1300d No description. git.ee.class.390x A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology. git.ee.compass No description. git.enve.ers.s1 Environmental Research for Soil(Soil 1), GT git.events.greekweek Greek Week git.events.homecoming Homecoming Discussion git.fe.lap Learning Assistance Program that is part of the Freshman Experience program git.fin-aid.announce Financial Aid Announcments git.general No description. git.grad No description. git.grad.gta Newsgroup for Georgia Tech's Grad. Teaching Ass. git.gtri.co-op GTRI Co-ops git.gtri.www For the discussion of issues related to the WorldWideWeb git.hideout No description. git.housing.esa Eigth Street Apartments git.housing.resnet.availability For announcements related to uptimes and service changes for the residence hall networks (Moderated) git.housing.resnet.questions For questions related to the Housing residence hall network git.housing.woodruff Woodruff git.ieee No description. git.infosystems For wais,gopher and www discussions.... git.isye.general No description. git.isye.healthsystems Health Systems git.isye.mot No description. git.lcc.class.1001j No description. git.lcc.class.2020j2 No description. git.lcc.class.2310p No description. git.lcc.class.3020o No description. git.lcc.class.6303a for lcc6303a git.leadershape Leadershape git.manufacturing.prc Georgia Packaging Research Center git.maple.questions Questions concerning Maple software, GT git.math.class.1507a4 For a calc math class git.math.class.1509n4 MATH 1509 N4 git.math.class.3012a1 No description. git.math.class.3308ca MATH 3308 CA git.math.class.4803a No description. git.math.symbolic No description. git.me.class.2016b Newsgroup for ME class 2016 section b git.me.research No description. git.me.scholarship Scholarship opportunities newsgroup for ME git.mechatronics No description. git.media-talk No description. git.mgt.club.entrepreneur Entrepreneur Club git.msm.general No description. git.news.groups No description. git.nrotc GT Naval Science git.ohr.jobs.digest GT OHR Job bulletin in digest format. git.oit.availability This is for availability announcements from OIT (Moderated) git.oit.questions No description. git.oit.test this is a test newsgroup git.olympics.official Campus Olympic Group git.olympics.volunteer Volunteers for Olympics '96 git.options Options Committee git.os2 Yellow Jacket OS/2 User's Group. git.outreach Outreach git.physics.announce announcements for the Georgia Tech physics department git.physics.class.2122c Newsgroup for Georgia Tech's Grad. Teaching Ass. git.police.parking No description. git.politics No description. git.psych.class.1010a No description. git.psych.class.1010b No description. git.psych.class.1010c No description. git.psych.class.1010d No description. git.psych.class.1010e No description. git.psych.class.1010f No description. git.psych.class.1010g No description. git.psych.class.1010h No description. git.quality For the discussion of TQM per Charley Brown. git.rha.east Residence Hall Association - East Campus git.rha.general Residence Hall Association git.rha.grad Residence Hall Association - Graduate Buildings git.rha.west Residence Hall Association - West Campus git.sga.coursecritique Course Critique git.sga.usc Student Government Assoc communications. (Moderated) git.sql-help Newsgroup for SQL help git.studctr.center4arts Georgia Tech Center for the Arts git.studctr.movie.announce Student Center Movie Committee Announcements git.studctr.movie.committee Student Center Movie Committee git.studctr.movie.discussion Student Center Movie Committee Discussion git.talk.abortion No description. git.talk.books.novels Discussion of popular novels, GT git.talk.cars Car Talk git.talk.christianity A newsgroup for the discussion of christianity git.talk.flame A place where students can flame each other git.talk.international International Discussion git.talk.literature For Literature Conversations git.talk.middleast Middle East Discussion git.talk.nihongo Newsgroup for the GT Japanese community. git.talk.nomic git.talk.NOMIC A place to discuss the internet based political game git.talk.objectivism Objectivism git.talk.philosophy Philosophy Discussion git.talk.policy For the discussion of network policy at Tech git.talk.ps President's Scholars: Questions, announcements, discussions git.talk.quake Quake git.talk.religion No description. git.tech.futures Discussion of emerging technologies. git.telework Telecommuting/Work Issues at GT git.test No description. git.test.moderated Testing moderated stuff (Moderated) git.test.test test git.unix.linux.mailing-lists.ale ALE mailing list mirror git.unix.solaris Solaris 2.2 porting issues. git.win95.questions Windows 95 Questions git.year2000 Newsgroup to discuss on year 2000 (Millenium Bug) issues
You can display information about up to 30 hierarchies in the row by loading a web page of the form:
http://usenet.trigofacile.com/hierarchies/comp,humanities,misc,news,rec,sci,soc,talk.html (example for the Big 8).
Information in these pages comes from INN's control.ctl, ftp.isc.org newsgroups file, the list of PGP public keys for newsgroup administration and the logs of control messages.
Those external data are used to generate this web site. To report an issue about the generation, please use the issue tracker on GitHub or post to news.admin.hierarchies.
You might also want to read the Usenet hierarchy administration FAQ.