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INN's control.ctl entry:
checkgroups:chen@cc.nctu.edu.tw:nctu.*:doit newgroup:chen@cc.nctu.edu.tw:nctu.*:doit rmgroup:chen@cc.nctu.edu.tw:nctu.*:doit
nctu chen@cc.nctu.edu.tw c yv nctu chen@cc.nctu.edu.tw n yv nctu chen@cc.nctu.edu.tw r yv
checkgroups:chen@cc.nctu.edu.tw:nctu.*:doit newgroup:chen@cc.nctu.edu.tw:nctu.*:doit rmgroup:chen@cc.nctu.edu.tw:nctu.*:doit
Actions since a year: none
2004-09-22 17:00:08 newgroup nctu.club.dcc y (by control article) 2003-11-17 17:50:03 newgroup nctu.club.tennisclub y (by control article) 2003-10-23 03:30:01 newgroup nctu.virus y (by control article) 2003-09-27 04:40:04 newgroup nctu.club.chuyo y (by control article) 2003-08-29 03:30:02 newgroup nctu.club.badminton y (by control article)
Newsgroups: [check raw logs if your checkgroups differs from the one below]
nctu.ac.general NCTU Dept of Applied Chemistry nctu.academic NCTU Academic Affairs nctu.activities Group for NCTU Activities nctu.adm NCTU Administrative Affairs nctu.adm.academic-affs NCTU Office of Academic Affairs nctu.adm.alumni-center No description. nctu.adm.chancellor NCTU Office of Chancellor nctu.adm.general-affs NCTU Office of General Affairs nctu.adm.health [交大衛保組] NCTU Office of Health nctu.adm.mirc [交大電子資訊中心] 專屬佈告欄 nctu.adm.president [交大校長事/秘書處] nctu.adm.sport NCTU Office of Sports nctu.adm.student-affs NCTU Office of Student Affairs nctu.adm.student-cnas [交大學生意見反應及服務中心] nctu.adm.traffic NCTU Committee of Traffic Affairs nctu.alumni Group for NCTU Alumni nctu.announce Announcement for NCTUers nctu.answers Periodical postings for NCTUers (Moderated) nctu.applied.math NCTU Dept of Applied Mathematics nctu.ccca Campus Computer Communication Association nctu.ccca.ftp.announce Announcements of NCTUCCCA.edu.tw (Moderated) nctu.ccca.ftp.d Discussion on NCTUCCCA.edu.tw FTP Archive nctu.ccca.ftp.newfiles New File Announcements (Moderated) nctu.ccca.hytelnet NCTUCCCA HYTELNET Updates (Moderated) nctu.ccca.mirror NCTUCCCA Mirror Logs (Moderated) nctu.ce.general NCTU Dept of Civil Engineering nctu.chss Human. & Soc. Sc. nctu.club.aboriginal NCTU Club of Aboriginal nctu.club.aiesec NCTU Club of AIESEC nctu.club.anime NCTU Club of Anime nctu.club.archery 交通大學射箭社 nctu.club.astronomy NCTU Astronomy Club. nctu.club.av NCTU Club of Audio & Video nctu.club.badminton %f$j&P2y.U6$ nctu.club.ballroomdance 交大國際標準舞社 nctu.club.baseball NCTU Club of Baseball nctu.club.bicycle NCTU Club of Bicycle nctu.club.bridge 交通大學橋藝社 nctu.club.buddhism NCTU Club of Buddhism nctu.club.central-alumni NCTU Club of Central High-School Alumni nctu.club.chinese-music NCTU Club of Chinese Music nctu.club.chorus NCTU Club of Chorus nctu.club.chuyo 交大竹友會 nctu.club.cie No description. nctu.club.counseling 交大諮商中心 nctu.club.ctbs [交大電台] NCTU Broadcasting Station nctu.club.dcc 交大數位傳播社 nctu.club.debate 交通大學辯論社 nctu.club.drama NCTU Club of Drama nctu.club.fhl 交大信望愛社 nctu.club.fine-art 交大美術社 nctu.club.folkdance 交通大學虹韻土風舞社 nctu.club.fortune 交大易學社 nctu.club.guitar NCTU Club of Guitar nctu.club.harmonica [交大竹韻口琴社] NCTU Harmonica Club nctu.club.heart NCTU Club of Mentality nctu.club.hsinchu-alumni 交通大學竹友會 nctu.club.hsnu 交大附友會 nctu.club.hsnu-alumni NCTU Club of HSNU Alumni nctu.club.jindan No description. nctu.club.kan-fu NCTU Club of Kan Fu nctu.club.karate 交大空手道社 nctu.club.ks-alumni NCTU Club of KaoHsiung Alumni nctu.club.midi NCTU Club of Midi nctu.club.mingdao NCTU MingDao High School Alumni. nctu.club.mountain [交大登山社] NCTU Mountain Club. nctu.club.myanmar 交清緬甸同學會 nctu.club.nature 交大自然生態研習社 nctu.club.nctumovie NCTU Campus Movie Group. nctu.club.ocsa NCTU Club of Oversea Chinese Students Assn. nctu.club.orchestra NCTU Club of Orchestra nctu.club.photo NCTU Club of Photography nctu.club.pop 焦點POP廣告研習社 nctu.club.popdance 交大熱舞社 nctu.club.rail NCTU Club of Rail Research nctu.club.rover NCTU Club of Rover nctu.club.skating 交大直排輪刀社 nctu.club.spring-shine 交大春暉社 nctu.club.stamp NCTU Club of Stamp Collection nctu.club.tai-chn NCTU Club of Taekwondo nctu.club.tennisclub 交大網球社 nctu.club.track-field NCTU Club of Track & Field nctu.club.tvbs 交通大學真善美社 nctu.club.uu NCTU Club of UU nctu.cm.general NCTU Dept of Communication Engineering nctu.com.ecology Discussion on Communication Ecology nctu.consult Questions to NCTU Computer Center nctu.cte [交大教育學程中心--公告,建議...] nctu.dbt.general [交通大學生物科技系所討論區] nctu.dept.cn No description. nctu.ee.general NCTU Dept of Electronics Engineering nctu.ee.vlsi-cad VLSI CAD Group, EE, NCTU nctu.ensys Discussion on Environment Systems nctu.general General Discussion on NCTU Incidents nctu.iim.general No description. nctu.lib.book Book Recommendation to NCTU Library nctu.lib.news Announcements from NCTU Library nctu.mat-sci-eng NCTU Institute of Material Science Engineering nctu.me.general NCTU Dept of Mechanical Engineering nctu.newgroups.announce Announcements for New Groups (Moderated) nctu.newgroups.d Call for a New NCTU Group nctu.newusers.questions Questions from Newcomers nctu.rec.cinema Discussion on Cinema nctu.rec.music Discussion on Music nctu.student-union.news Announcements from NCTU Student Union nctu.student-union.talk Discussion on NCTU Student Union nctu.talk Free Talks for NCTUers nctu.tem.general NCTU Dept of Transportation Eng. and Mgt. nctu.test Testing Group for NCTU Hierarchy nctu.virus 交通大學病毒資訊
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