If you know a hierarchy which is not listed in these pages or if you have more up-to-date information about an existing hierarchy, please send a mail to usenet-config@isc.org or post to news.admin.hierarchies so that these pages can be updated.
A text-only version of that page can also be retrieved for a control.ctl access file, PGP keys and a checkgroups. Full files are also available.
Historic notes:
# Two different hierarchies co-exist in the same namespace: Slovakian # newsgroups, and regional Saskatchewan (Canada) newsgroups.
INN's control.ctl entry:
checkgroups:uhlar@ccnews.ke.sanet.sk:sk.*:doit newgroup:uhlar@ccnews.ke.sanet.sk:sk.*:doit rmgroup:uhlar@ccnews.ke.sanet.sk:sk.*:doit
sk uhlar@ccnews.ke.sanet.sk c yv sk uhlar@ccnews.ke.sanet.sk n yv sk uhlar@ccnews.ke.sanet.sk r yv
checkgroups:uhlar@ccnews.ke.sanet.sk:sk.*:doit newgroup:uhlar@ccnews.ke.sanet.sk:sk.*:doit rmgroup:uhlar@ccnews.ke.sanet.sk:sk.*:doit
Actions since May 2003: none
Newsgroups: [check raw logs if your checkgroups differs from the one below]
sk.biz.dane Ekonomicke, danove a uctovne poradenstvo sk.comp.asm Assembler List - problemy a rady sk.comp.cecko Jazyk C List - problemy a rady sk.comp.pascal Pascal List - problemy a rady sk.comp.pc-prog PC-problemy pri pouzivani a hlavne programovani sk.comp.security General information about/on security sk.comp.software Diskusia o software, kde ho splasit, ktory co dokaze, atd atd... sk.comp.unix-prog Problemy pri programovani v UNIX-e sk.didaktika.informatika Problemy vyucovania informatiky na SS (pripadne ZS) sk.didaktika.kms Vymena skusenosti pri organizovani matematickych seminarov sk.misc.burza konferencia s inzeratmi kupa/predaj hocicoho na uzemi Slovenska sk.net.abuse Diskusny klub o net-abuse sk.net.gopher Diskusia o gopheri a vsetkom okolo. sk.net.news Diskusny klub o newsoch na slovensku, pripadne v cechach sk.net.www Diskusia o WWW a vsetkom okolo sk.org.sklug Slovak Linux Users Group (Moderated) (Moderated) sk.rec.hockey Diskusna skupina o hokeji nielen na Slovensku sk.rec.hudba konferencia o hudbe a vsetkeho co s nou suvisi sk.rec.sport Diskusia o sporte sk.rec.tatry Discussion list for the High Tatras Region sk.sanet.services Diskusia o sluzbach na slovensku sk.sci.astro Discussion list for Slovak and Czech Astronomers sk.sux.microsoft Diskusia o firme Microsoft jej programoch a preco su zle :) sk.talk.adnd Advanced Dungeons & Dragons sk.talk.drd Draci Doupe sk.talk.fltsk Foreign Language Teachers Slovakia sk.talk.irc IRC a #cs, aktuality etc... (Moderated) sk.talk.karmel Sucasne otazky krestanstva sk.talk.mst My sme tu... sk.talk.slovak-world Nadvazovanie kontaktov slovakov v zahranici a na Slovensku sk.talk.users Diskusia uzivatelov Internetu, UN*Xu, alebo vobec uzivatelov sk.talk.vtip :-))))))))))) (Moderated)
You can display information about up to 30 hierarchies in the row by loading a web page of the form:
http://usenet.trigofacile.com/hierarchies/comp,humanities,misc,news,rec,sci,soc,talk.html (example for the Big 8).
Information in these pages comes from INN's control.ctl, ftp.isc.org newsgroups file, the list of PGP public keys for newsgroup administration and the logs of control messages.
Those external data are used to generate this web site. To report an issue about the generation, please use the issue tracker on GitHub or post to news.admin.hierarchies.
You might also want to read the Usenet hierarchy administration FAQ.