If you know a hierarchy which is not listed in these pages or if you have more up-to-date information about an existing hierarchy, please send a mail to usenet-config@isc.org or post to news.admin.hierarchies so that these pages can be updated.
A text-only version of that page can also be retrieved for a control.ctl access file, PGP keys and a checkgroups. Full files are also available.
Historic notes:
# Originating from Digital VAX network.
INN's control.ctl entry:
checkgroups:cts@dragon.com:vmsnet.*:doit newgroup:cts@dragon.com:vmsnet.*:doit rmgroup:cts@dragon.com:vmsnet.*:doit
vmsnet cts@dragon.com c yv vmsnet cts@dragon.com n yv vmsnet cts@dragon.com r yv
checkgroups:cts@dragon.com:vmsnet.*:doit newgroup:cts@dragon.com:vmsnet.*:doit rmgroup:cts@dragon.com:vmsnet.*:doit
Actions since May 2003: none
Newsgroups: [check raw logs if your checkgroups differs from the one below]
vmsnet.alpha Alpha AXP architecture, systems, porting, etc. vmsnet.announce General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated) vmsnet.announce.newusers Orientation info for new users. (Moderated) vmsnet.decus.journal The DECUServe Journal. (Moderated) vmsnet.decus.lugs Discussion of DECUS Local User Groups & related issues. vmsnet.employment Jobs sought/offered, workplace and employment issues. (Moderated) vmsnet.epsilon-cd DEC's free, unsupported OpenVMS AXP CD. vmsnet.groups Administration of the VMSnet newsgroups. vmsnet.infosystems.gopher Gopher software for VMS, gateway w/VMSGopher-L. vmsnet.infosystems.misc Various infosystem software for VMS (WAIS, WWW, etc). vmsnet.internals VMS internals, MACRO-32, Bliss, &c; gateway w/MACRO32. vmsnet.mail.misc Other electronic mail software. vmsnet.mail.mx MX email system, gatewayed to MX mailing list. vmsnet.mail.pmdf PMDF email system, gatewayed to ipmdf mailing list. vmsnet.misc General VMS topics not covered elsewhere. vmsnet.networks.desktop.misc Other desktop integration software. vmsnet.networks.desktop.pathworks DEC Pathworks desktop integration. vmsnet.networks.management.decmcc DECmcc and related software. vmsnet.networks.management.misc Other network management solutions. vmsnet.networks.misc General networking topics not covered elsewhere. vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.cmu-tek CMU-TEK TCP/IP package; gateway cmu-openvms-ip. vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.misc Other TCP/IP solutions for VMS. vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.multinet TGV's Multinet TCP/IP, gateway w/info-multinet. vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.tcpware Process Software's TCPWARE TCP/IP software. vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.ucx DEC's VMS/Ultrix Connection (TCP/IP for VMS). vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.wintcp The Wollongong Group's WIN-TCP TCP/IP software. vmsnet.pdp-11 PDP-11 hardware and software, gatewayed to info-pdp11. vmsnet.sdk.openvms.fieldtest No description. vmsnet.sources Source code postings ONLY. (Moderated) vmsnet.sources.d Discussion about or requests for sources. vmsnet.sources.games Recreational software postings. vmsnet.sysmgt VMS system management. vmsnet.test Test messages. vmsnet.tpu TPU language and applications, gatewayed to info-tpu. vmsnet.uucp DECUS uucp software, gatewayed to vmsnet mailing list. vmsnet.vms-posix Discussion about VMS POSIX.
You can display information about up to 30 hierarchies in the row by loading a web page of the form:
http://usenet.trigofacile.com/hierarchies/comp,humanities,misc,news,rec,sci,soc,talk.html (example for the Big 8).
Information in these pages comes from INN's control.ctl, ftp.isc.org newsgroups file, the list of PGP public keys for newsgroup administration and the logs of control messages.
Those external data are used to generate this web site. To report an issue about the generation, please use the issue tracker on GitHub or post to news.admin.hierarchies.
You might also want to read the Usenet hierarchy administration FAQ.